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Cigare box dressing

As requested by Mr. Rémi Guichard, I decorated this cigar box based on a haiku my husband, Luc Bordes, which he wrote for this occasion.

Rémi Guichard presents the art book :

" Private collection | a whole story "

Two hundred artists are represented in this work by a cigar box which each one has creatively decorated. Novelist Corinne Royer and curator Jacques Beauffet*, wrote the forward to this 432 page book (format  30 cm x 24 cm). One thousand copies will be printed of which a 200 copie limited edition will be made and packaged in an engraved, hot gilded, wooden box with a numbered digitaphy signed by Philippe Favier. 

* J. Buffet was the former curator of the Saint Etienne Modern Art Museum

Theater poster

"A midsummer night's dream"

Le songe d'une nuit d'été.jpg
affiche-le songe d'une nuit  d'été-sans-
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